Friday 22 March 2013

Marry The One Who Loves You, Not The One Whom You Love

Love is called as the other name of sacrifice but, to some extent the expectations are always attached to it. Sometimes, we miss the true love of our life and choose the artificial cover of emotions which is hollow from inside. Trust me, there is no way to return after you cross one phase of life and the only thing which hovers till the end is the regret. The worst part is that worse than the worst comes out even if you try to go back as the situations completely change by then.

I know the scene described is really hard to imagine before it is experienced but once it falls upon someone, the whole life is ruined. The institution of marriage has lost the importance in the present era but, still at some point of your life you choose someone to settle down.

Experienced people always make a statement of million dollars when they say ‘Marry the one who loves you, not the one whom you love’.  It does not mean that the person whom you love does not love and the other way round but, a dominating side is always there. If we think logically, this statement proves very true in the long run. If you marry the person whom you love, your expectations dominate and in the other way, the other’s feelings dominate. It pinches a lot when the person whom you love hurts you and the person who loved you is ditched by you.

The above discussion is not to confuse anyone but to advise everyone to move ahead in life with a wise discretion. One single decision ruins the life forever. Yes, you can leave the person anytime and try to move ahead but, the thorn always remains. You can settle down with the second one, then the third one and may be the fourth one as well, but the dissatisfaction always increases with every new relation, how much ever you deny. The mere suggestion is to understand the relations and make the biggest decisions with extreme patience and after listening to both the heart and the mind. Love is blind, it is true but, do not get swayed by this blind emotion to the extent that it makes your whole life blind.

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Thursday 21 March 2013

The Torn Gift

Unable to raise the eyes
Or talk to anyone
People blame me
On every single chance
A collection of faults
This body reveals
Was this the gift of god?
The soul argues
Please raise me above
I am left distraught
Soul wants to brighten
The body craves to live
But the pointing fingers
Make me confused
Give me the courage
To live with your gift
Losing all the dreams
Far-far behind
Help me, O almighty!
Just to live ahead
The thought of leaving
Comes and goes
But will my departure
Stop the blames

What's True, His Love or His Hatred?

According to an old saying, a person always says the truth in anger. So, do you remember any recent fight with your husband or boyfriend? Both must have outpoured the feelings which could not have been revealed in good mood. Are those hateful words true which keep buzzing in ears after the patch up and even when you are in his arms? Yes, it really becomes hard to decide which of the aspects are true.

Fights are a common part of a relationship and most of the times, a relationship itself begins with a fight. Though its tough to believe that those hurting words are not from the heart but the love which is showered after should smoothen everything.

In fact, the angry shower should be taken as correction power towards perfection. It applies to both boys and girls as they can suffer the same situation at different levels.However, when those bitter words are not followed by the balm of love, the reason should be easily understood. And to be accurate, sometimes separation is better than external patch up in such cases.

It has become quite common in the recent years that people get married in the sway of instant emotions and then regret through out their lives. Marriage should never be an instant decision, t should be based on the foundation of a lost of positive proven experiments. Once in thousands, there can be seen sudden changes after the marriage but 99% is the victim of false perception.

Tips to Make your Relationship Romantic

It gives some tips how to gain the same spark in your relationship which was during before marriage or initial days of marriage.

To maintain the spark in a relationship after spending some years together is one of the biggest challenges of life as the charm of the partners for each other tends to diminish with time. However, people conscious about such facts and for whom their relationship is one of the top priorities of life, following a few tips and inculcating those in one’s daily routine can certainly fuel the romantic aspect of a relationship. Here are a few way by which you can enrich and enhance the love factor and rekindle the spark in your relationship.

Spend Quality Time with Each Other

The first and the foremost thing is to understand the fact that as the spark doesn’t diminish in a day or two so, it also requires some efforts from both the partners to gain it back and fire up the relationship. For this, both the partners need to work on their relationship everyday. The seeds of love need to be watered to not let them dry up and die with the passage of time. So, the best way is to spend quality time and lavish your partner with tender love and care.

Compliment your woman

Men should compliment their partners for even the smallest things they do as a woman never gets tired of hearing compliments and more the shower of compliments, more she craves for. However, the appreciation should come sincerely from your heart as a woman is an expert in understanding the feelings hidden behind an expression.

Give Presents to win your woman’s trustAs men trust more on visual beauty so, women can gain the attention of their partners by wearing sexy lingerie as nothing can make a man more excited than his woman standing in a semi clad sexy avatar in front of him.

A woman always loves to receive gifts and the best part is that size and price of the gift never matters to her. Every gift for her is an assurance that her partner actually loves her and she gets closer to him. The most common gifts which are liked by almost every woman include a cuddly teddy bear, a box of chocolates or some cosmetics which no woman can deny.

Celebrate your anniversaries like a mini honeymoon

It’s always an awesome idea to take a break on your anniversary and celebrate it like a mini honeymoon to fuel up the romance in your relationship. It’s not necessary to go to any expensive resort but, a small bed and breakfast restaurant can make your experience unforgettable and keep your efforts at the top.

Don’t Miss any Occasion to Express your Love

If you make a routine to say your lady partner ‘I Love You’ as soon as you come back home, nothing in the world can take away the charm of your relationship. Giving a kiss to your partner or expressing your love by bringing flowers giver her assurance that you miss her and care for her when not together.

Go on Long Romantic Walks

Last but not the least, try to go on long walks which give you a chance not only to enjoy nature but, also reconnect with each other forgetting all other worries in the midst of natural surroundings.

Respect each other’s Feelings

Apart from this, respect plays the most significant role and it’s necessary for both the partners to understand each other’s feelings and learn to make the relationship a romantic swing.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Unjust Justice

Love gifts with life
Who took mine away?
A dream of heaven
Why threw me into hell?
If faith is the base
What remained in mine?
If purpose is to raise
Why didn't I shine?
Love elevates nature
I became suspicious
A savior for future
I became flirtatious
Love has no reason
Why did I search for?
Love sees no beauty
Why was it seen in me?
Love pacifies mind
Why did I argue?
Love was not love
Why do I argue?

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Artificial Glitter

What an age! what a craze!
Making a lot of friends
For winning other's praise
Everyone is phony and fake
Knowing this in our hearts
Befriending just for its sake
Knowing not how to trust
As mistrust our own selves
But shaking hands to adjust
Life's lonely, hearts bitter
All engaged with one's Own
Happy with artificial glitter
Need someone beside to stand
Join groups searching for one
If this could all understand

Monday 18 March 2013

A Warrior's Daughter

He fought and died
Mom never cried
To keep me happy
And my father alive
Only in her memories
Till the youth of my life
When I grow up and realize
How and why he died
Fighting on nation's border
To save other's lives
If you could understand
Me and my other's pangs
He can be yours too
If you don't stop this fight
Praying God and you man!
To avoid this distressful plight
My mom's eyes dried
For your courage, she lied
Realize the truth, o man!
It's hard to survive